MSH|^~\&|DICT|EMDAT|OACIS||20070613093921||ORU^R01|12345678|P|2.2||||| PID|||012345^^^||Smith^John^|||||||||||||6053241^^^|||| OBR|||12345678^^^EMDAT|Letter^Letter^||20070612|20070611|20070612||||||||^Johnson^Michael||||||||||||X140455^Thomas^Jones~|^0||||||bk| OBX|1|TX|||DATE OF SERVICE: June 11, 2007~~~RE: Smith, John~MR#: 012345~DOB: 12/15/1941~~I saw John Smith earlier today. He continues to do very well. He gets occasional paresthesias but is fully functional. He remains on Neurontin between 1000 and 1200 mg a day. He remains on Curcumin, and evidently his myeloma is under control. ~ ~On exam today, blood pressure is 120/78. Pulse is 76 and regular. He has normal gait and station. Romberg sign is negative. Strength is normal. Reflexes are 2+ in the uppers, 2+ at his knees, and 1+ at his ankles. His toes are silent bilaterally. Pin is intact. Position is minimally decreased in his right toe tip. Otherwise, sensation is normal. ~ ~In summary then, Mr. Smith is doing well, with no progression of his neuropathy. I told him I would like to see him again at the end of the year and will contact you. ~~~Michael Johnson, M.D.~~~~CC:~Jones Thomas, MD~~Job #: 12345678~~MD#~bk||||||F|